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  • Writer's pictureAnne Victor

How to Access the Moon House

Step-by-Step Guide 

Claim Access to Your Moon House Membership Telegram on Whop

This guide should help users navigate through the process of claiming their access to Telegram channels via Whop. If you need any adjustments or additional details included, feel free to ask! 

Purchase your VIP membership here:

  1. Once you’ve made payment successfully, login to Whop and Navigate to the Hub:

    • Open your web browser and go to the Whop website.

    • Once logged in, click on the profile icon in the top right corner, and from the dropdown menu, select "Hub".

  1. Access the Service You Have Subscribed To:

    • In the Hub, you will see a list of services you have subscribed to. Click on the service you want to access, for example, "The Moon House".

  1. Log in with Telegram:

    • You will be prompted to log in with your Telegram account. Click on "Log in with Telegram".

    • Please enter your Telegram details in the pop-up window.

4. Confirm Login on Telegram App:

  • You will receive a notification on your Telegram app asking to confirm the login request. Click "Confirm".

  1. Authorize Whop Bot on Telegram:

    • You will be redirected to the Telegram authorization page. Here, click “Accept” to allow Whop Bot to access your Telegram account.


  1. Successful Connection Confirmation:

    • After confirming, you will see confirmation messages both on Telegram and on Whop indicating that your Telegram account is successfully connected.

  1. Claim Your Access:

    • With your Telegram account connected, you can now claim access to the specific channels or services. Click "Claim!" to finalize the process.

  1. Access The Group!

    • Congratulations! Your payment status has been successfully synced with Telegram via Whop! As long as your membership is active, you'll retain access to the group. If you ever need to cancel your subscription, you can do so easily through the Moon House Membership portal.

Additional Notes:

  • Make sure you complete each step promptly to avoid session timeouts.

  • If you encounter any issues, contact Whop support for assistance.

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